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Dental Implants in Grosse Pointe, MI

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Hour top dentists detroit logo top 25 women in dentisty logo 40 under 40 logo academy of general dentistry logo board of periodontolodgy logo michigan dental association logo mpa logo Hour top dentists detroit logo top 25 women in dentisty logo 40 under 40 logo academy of general dentistry logo board of periodontolodgy logo michigan dental association logo mpa logo

Bright, Restored, Permanent

If you have missing or decayed teeth, you don’t need to continue to struggle with temporary dentures or gaps. Our Grosse Pointe dental implants can restore your smile effectively and completely. Whether you’ve lost teeth recently or it’s been months to years, there is an option for improved dental health and your overall well-being. Dental implants are long-lasting and can change your daily life.

Dental Implants at Lakeshore Dental Implant Specialists

Our name says it all. At Lakeshore Dental Implant Specialists in Grosse Pointe, MI, we know dental implants, and we know how to give you the best possible results for your new smile. With four in-house dentists and a star support team, we can help you achieve all of your dental goals with professionalism and care.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement option for missing or heavily decayed teeth. For some patients, just a single tooth needs an implant replacement, and for others, the entire smile needs to be restored. Dental implants are usually composed of two separate parts; the implant post that goes into the jawbone and gum, and the crown or denture that sits on top of the post. This dual correction is necessary to replace the two parts of a natural tooth; the root and the crown.

Types of Implants

There are several different types of implants available that can achieve different goals and are used in different circumstances. Some implants require more bone density in the jaw than others. Single-tooth versus multiple-tooth procedures will also determine which type of implant is used. Ultimately, every patient receives a fully customized and tailored procedure that is specific to them and their unique dental situation.

Zygomatic Dental Implants

Zygomatic Dental Implants can be used effectively, even in patients with bone loss, to replace the upper teeth since implants are attached far up into the cheekbone. They can be a good choice when other options have failed.

All-On-4 Implants

All-On-4 Implants are an innovative option where full, permanent dentures on both the upper and lower jaw can be placed using just four implant posts. The total treatment can often be completed within a 24-hour timeframe.

What can Dental Implants do for me?

Dental implants are a modern, innovative tooth replacement option that can completely change your daily living. You can see improvements in your confidence levels, the functional use of your teeth, and your oral health. Often without surgery, general anesthesia, or excessive downtime. Our Grosse Pointe dental implant patients enjoy:

  • An attractive, clean, white smile
  • Healthy, fully functional gums and teeth
  • Boosted confidence in both personal and professional settings
  • Stop the loss of bone in the jaw
grosse pointe dental implants patient model looking at herself in the mirror and smiling

Dental Implants Candidates

The sooner a patient begins the process of getting a tooth replaced, the more available options they will have since the jawbone and surrounding gums begin to shrink as soon as a tooth is lost. However, even if it’s been a while, there are still things that can be done, including bone grafting or other techniques. If you'd like to find out if you'd be a good candidate for dental implants Grosse Pointe dentists at Lakeshore Dental can address that and any other questions you have during a consultation. Call to schedule yours today!

Consultation and Preparation

The key for us at Lakeshore Dental is customization. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment, and our dentists and staff work tirelessly to ensure that every patient receives the best possible treatment plan designed specifically for them. At your consultation, we discuss all of the options for implants as well as other procedures that could be necessary prior to implant placement, such as sinus lifts, bone regeneration, or socket grafting.

Dental Implant Recovery and Aftercare

Depending on the type of treatment you receive, you may have some discomfort for a few days. We are here to help even through recovery, so if anything feels off or painful beyond what was expected, do not hesitate to call our office. After your treatment, you will receive specific and detailed recovery instructions from your dentist.

Why Lakeshore Dental Implant Specialists?

Get the full package at Lakeshore Dental Implant Specialists. With four highly experienced, awarded, and educated in-house Grosse Pointe dentists, we ensure that everything from implants to emergencies to routine dental hygiene is addressed with the utmost quality of patient care. For your overall dental health and well-being, choose Lakeshore Dental.

grosse pointe implant dentistry specialist at lakeshore dental

Schedule Your Grosse Pointe Dental ImplantsConsultation at Lakeshore Dental Today

To find out which dental implants may be right for you, message us online or call today at 586-777-0260!


While local anesthetic is used to prevent any pain during dental implant procedures, most patients feel some tenderness afterward, which is easily treated with OTC painkillers.

Serious risks are extremely rare when you are treated by an experienced and qualified dental professional. However, there may be some minor side effects like swelling, bleeding, or gum redness.

This varies depending on what type of implant you receive but with proper care, in most cases, implants can last a lifetime.

Yes! Modern dental implants are highly functional and aesthetically appealing with the look and feel of natural teeth.

The cost of dental implants in Grosse Pointe will depend on the extent of the work needed and the type of implant.

Request a Consultation

Contact our office today to request an appointment or click below to book online. A team member will reach out to confirm your appointment.

18501 E 8 Mile Rd, Eastpointe, MI 48021

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