oral surgery

Specialized Expertise

We offer a full menu of oral surgery solutions to bring your smile into optimal oral health. With our team of specialists at Lakeshore Dental Specialists, we deliver expertise in a variety of surgical solutions.

Surgical Options

IV Sedation

We’re on a mission to help you say goodbye to dental anxiety. To help patients relax and rest easy during treatment, Lakeshore Dental Specialists offer IV sedation. This service allows our patients to have complete ease and comfort right here in our office throughout the entire procedure.

Tooth Extraction

If infection, decay, or damage to a tooth is too extensive to save the tooth, it must be extracted. Before extraction, you will have a consultation and examination at Lakeshore Dental Specialists to determine the proper treatment options. To remove teeth precisely and in order to minimize disturbing the surrounding teeth/bone/tissue, the latest imaging technology will be used. When necessary, teeth will be removed in sections to also minimize risk to adjacent structures. Together, this precision helps provide a more comfortable post-operative experience.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the final teeth to arrive, usually around the age of 17. For many patients, the mouth doesn’t have enough room for these extra molars. The eruption of the four wisdom teeth (also called third molars) can pose a threat to your oral health. Wisdom teeth often become impacted and can severely disrupt the alignment of your smile, cause infection, damage the jawbone and lead to long-term oral health issues. This is why we at Lakeshore Dental Specialists recommend having wisdom teeth, or third molars, extracted as soon as possible to prevent future issues.

Oral Pathology

Many diseases can affect your oral health. Symptoms you may experience if disease is present are bleeding throat, consistent chewing pain, chronic dry mouth, persistent oral infection, ulcers in the mouth, and white spots in the throat. Your teeth, gums, salivary glands, supporting bones, and tongue can all be affected by diseases like oral cancer, oral cysts, and oral lesions. Our oral pathology team at Lakeshore Dental Specialists strive to catch these diseases as early as possible to minimize the impact on your mouth and jaw.

Socket Grafting

This simple procedure is typically performed following a tooth extraction. Our specialists place bone grafting material into the socket to preserve the natural bone and help the body heal. It can prevent bone loss while preserving the natural shape of the bone. It also reduces the risk of surrounding teeth shifting and gum recession.

Impacted Teeth

Impacted teeth are teeth that are stuck and cannot erupt to function as they should. Oftentimes, adult canine teeth do not fully erupt due to crowding but there are other reasons impaction can occur. To align these teeth properly, our team at Lakeshore Dental Specialists will perform a short surgery to expose the tooth and attach a bracket and chain to pull it down over time. This procedure can relieve pain, prevent damage to the roots of surrounding teeth, ensure surrounding teeth don’t shift, prevent cysts, prevent other health issues, and improve overall oral health.


Call 586-777-0260 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.