Dental Implants

Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants?                

A dental implant replaces the entirety of a missing tooth.          

To understand dental implants, it is important to consider the anatomy of a natural tooth. Each tooth has two parts: a crown and a root. The crown is the part that is visible when you open your mouth. The root anchors each tooth to your jawbone. When you lose a tooth, it is necessary to replace both the crown and root. Without a dental implant, the jawbone in the area of the missing tooth can begin to be resorbed (broken down and absorbed by your body) creating an area that can appear more "sunken in". This, along with other benefits, is why we consider dental implants to be among the best options for replacing a missing tooth.      

Our Detroit dental implant dentists insert a high-quality titanium post into your jawbone.            

This is done to secure the crown to your bone, taking the place of your original tooth root. A porcelain crown is added, which looks and feels exactly like a natural tooth.

At Lakeshore, our dentists will color match your new crown to your surrounding teeth. Professional whitening may be done before your procedure if you wish to brighten your smile.        

Benefits of  Dental Implants        

At Lakeshore Dental Specialists, we strive to provide you with the best dental implants Detroit has to offer.    

That's why we focus on matching you with cutting-edge procedures to improve your oral health. Our doctors pride themselves on quality workmanship so you can enjoy the confidence that comes with a renewed smile. Choosing to have your dental implants at Lakeshore Dental has several benefits, including:      

  • A more attractive smile
  • Healthier teeth and gums
  • Prevention of loss of jaw bone where a missing tooth would be
  • Increased self-confidence
  • An improved ability to bite, speak and chew
We are here to guide you through the process of replacing your missing teeth every step of the way. During your consultation, we will provide you with a customized treatment plan that addresses all of your dental concerns. Together, our Detroit dentists aim to improve the appearance and functionality of your teeth for a lifetime.


Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?        

Replacing a missing tooth sooner rather than later is the key to success, so don’t hesitate to book your appointment.    

Starting from the moment you lose a tooth, your surrounding gums and bones begin to shrink or resorb. This results in a space that is too narrow to place a dental implant. However, if months or years have passed until you feel ready to replace your missing tooth, all hope is not lost. The dentists at Lakeshore Dental Specialists specialize in a procedure known as bone regeneration.  

A bone graft stimulates the growth of new gum and bone tissue that can support a dental implant. We can help in even the most complex cases. If you are unsure whether you are a good candidate for implants, we encourage you to give us a call. A healthy smile can be life-changing. You owe it to yourself to speak with a qualified dental professional to learn about your options.          

The Dental Implant Procedure        

On the day of your procedure, our experienced dentists will place your titanium implant.    

You may need a small incision to stimulate gum healing and prepare for placement of your new crown. Your implant needs time to heal before your final crown can be delivered. This generally takes between two to six months. Once your implant heals, your Lakeshore dentist will take a digital impression of your implant and surrounding gums. The impression-making process is comfortable, quick, and painless. Your implant-supported crown is placed two to three weeks later.


Your Dental Implant Results        

After your dental implant settles, you will be smiling and chewing just like before, perhaps even better!    

Our high-quality titanium implants can last a lifetime with proper care. Porcelain crowns can last from 10 to 15 years before they need replacing. Coming to Lakeshore Dental Specialists for a checkup every six months is the best way to ensure a long-lasting result. It typically takes two to six months before you are ready to receive your final crown. To receive a personalized timeline and learn about what kind of results you can expect, book your private consultation at Lakeshore Dental now.


Dental Implant Options:  

-All On Four

-Bone Regeneration

-Sinus Lifts

-Socket Grafting

-Zygomatic Implants


Call 586-777-0260 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.