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Periapical Surgeryin Detroit

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Hour top dentists detroit logo top 25 women in dentisty logo 40 under 40 logo academy of general dentistry logo board of periodontolodgy logo michigan dental association logo mpa logo Hour top dentists detroit logo top 25 women in dentisty logo 40 under 40 logo academy of general dentistry logo board of periodontolodgy logo michigan dental association logo mpa logo

Sometimes, root canal therapy does not work.

The culprit is usually an infection in a small root canal branch. At Lakeshore Dental in Detroit periapical surgery involves extracting a periapical lesion and restores the health of a tooth through tissue regeneration of the periapex.

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It is normal to feel discomfort in your mouth after a serious procedure like periapical surgery.

If you have mild to moderate pain, you can get over-the-counter medication. We strive to provide you with the best periapical surgery Detroit has to offer, so call us today.


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What isperiapical surgery?

Periapical is one of the most serious root canal procedures: the extraction of lesions at the end of the tooth root.

These lesions are called granulomas and periapical cysts. They are less than a centimeter and can lead to the destruction of the supporting bone of the tooth. We understand patients are apprehensive after a failed root canal and are experiencing pain. For periapical surgery Detroit dentists at Lakeshore Dental use local anesthesia or sedation to fully numb you. This time, we access the root through the gums instead of the tooth. The goal is to remove the source of the infection and, if necessary, the tip of the root.

Detroit Periapical Surgery
Periapical Surgery Detroit

Recovery fromperiapical surgery

If you experience strong pain, we can prescribe pain medication.

Bleeding in your mouth is fairly common for a couple of days. You can use a gauze pad directly on the area for 10 to 30 minutes at a time. There may also be swelling in the surgical area for a few days. Use an ice pack for 15 minutes a few times a day to minimize the swelling. Here are some recommendations on what to do, or not do, during your healing process:

Do not:

  • Use a straw
  • Swish, gulp or spit
  • Blow on objects
  • Brush your teeth for a few days
  • No smoking
  • No chewing hard food
  • Participate in demanding exercises
  • Eat-in the surgical area for the first week
  • Pull your lip


  • Rest, especially the first 48 hours
  • Keep your head elevated for a few days
  • Use an ice pack on the outside of your cheeks
  • Use a liquid diet, including smoothies or broth
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Rinse with an antibacterial product

Request a Consultation

Contact our office today to request an appointment or click below to book online. A team member will reach out to confirm your appointment.

18501 E 8 Mile Rd, Eastpointe, MI 48021

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